The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
Mark and Sal will be in Hobart on the waterfront for all four days of the festival. Don’t hesitate to come up and say hello, (especially if you’ve got a good story to tell in future pages of SWS!)
We are the Ocean
The vast Pacific Ocean covers one third of the world’s surface, and the story of its exploration and settlement is an epic tale of human endeavour. The three key speakers are a fascinating mix…
Circumnavigating New Guinea in a traditional sailing canoe
A beautiful thing is the culture of reciprocity, you go into a relationship with people by exchanging gifts. I also like that you are defined by your kinship and relations, not your job title.
The Boats of Norman R. Wright & Sons
In 1960 we're starting to get into the fast boats. We built the first Customs Boat, a 40-footer called BINDERY which had a six cylinder 671 Detroit Diesel and it would do 20 knots. The Department of Customs took Dad's plans, copied them put them out to Tender. So there were five other boats built, and they all did about 14 or 15 knots because they thought the buttock lines shouldn't be bent. Dad always reversed his buttock lines so th boat sat on a big wedge at the back and customs could never work out why the others never went as fast.
Australian National Maritime Museum’s Wooden Boat Symposium Line Up
For those of us lucky enough to be attending next years festival, the live symposium provides a level of scholarship and intellect rarely applied to the world of wooden boats. The program is now out!
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